The Indian government hacked! The news looks like something out of a movie, but hacktivist groups have allegedly attacked several Indian government portals. Among the groups, the newly formed “Operation India” has listed some of its targets, including the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board, the Ease of Doing Business Portal of the Mizoram government, the RAMP portal of the MSME department, the National Health Mission, Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, Karnataka Police Academy, and the SILK initiative of the government. In a post on the threat actor’s dark web forum, “Operation India” posted a message warning India about international hackers targeting the country. The account name used was “Operation India,” The Indian government hacked post said that the hackers were targeting India not because of negative things but to defend the truth. The recent hacking attempts have raised concerns about the security of Indian government portals. However, as of now, all the sites listed by “Operation India” are active. The Indian government hacked! Major government portals at risk
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